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Day 6 in my #31dayphotochallenge | Light

In day 6 I took this picture with my #GooglePixel as usual and edited with Adobe Photoshop CC for mobile devices. Check it out here if you want a great editing software on the go:

As you can see, it's a vintage camera with lights wrapped around it with one illuminating the viewfinder and a key light on the top left casting a shadow to the right. Light (as I'm sure you are well aware) plays a huge role in the photography and video productions that I capture. After setting up my camera to get my angle I immediately start setting up my light(s) or sometimes I decide first if I have enough natural light to work with (which is always best if possible) even before I take my camera out. If you have too much light you risk overexposing your shot and if you have too little light you risk having to do some major editing to fix it or worse yet, having to re-shoot.

There's also white balance which basically has to do with the color of light in your shot. In this picture there's a mix of warm and cool tones which I enjoy playing with from time to time. It helps separate the subject from the backdrop for interviews or for product shots. So yes, light in all it's glory can either make your photography/film or kill it.

Vintage camera with lights around it

With light there are so many options. Now, with better and better cameras coming out every other week it seems like, it's limits are becoming practically endless. Besides seeing photography (and even video) to be the ability to capture a moment to savor for a lifetime; It's also the ability to work with light in all it's shapes, colors, intensities and frequencies. Can you tell I like to talk about light?

Now light pertaining to being a light are very important to me as well. But what does it really mean? Being born and raised in a Christian home, I grew up with knowing the in's and out's of my faith and came to a personal realization of the truth of that for myself at a young age. The Bible references being the light as having Jesus (the Son of God) inside of us like a light that we use to shine God's love on everyone we encounter. Throughout the Bible, Jesus was refereed to as "The Light of the World" shining God's love to whomever would accept Him in their heart. In my many years of photography I've always had a special place in my heart with how light plays such an intricate part in how I provide for my family and continue in this business. In the same way the light in my heart guides my decisions and determines whether I push that shutter button or wait for the right moment.

For me light is such a multifaceted subject that I can go on and on about ... but, I'll end it with this. Whether you see light as only a form of luminescence to provide you the ability to see life taking place around you or to use this digital device you're reading this out of right now ... it's all around you, in the same way God's love is all around you. With so much darkness in this world these days, a little bit of God's luminous love in your heart goes a long way. Be blessed my friends and let the light in!

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